How to go bagless in the Disney Parks

Top tips on how to go bagless in the Disney parks and avoid the long security lines

Which type of person are you when visiting the Disney parks? The one who tours as light as possible, or the pack everything type?

I used to be the latter. I'd prepare for every eventuality by carrying sun screen, ponchos, hand sanitiser, tissues, not to mention a small first aid kit. The list went on as the bag got heavier. Many items were never used, and all can be found in the parks if needed.

Since Walt Disney World have tightened up security over the years, every bag which passes through the turnstiles is searched. As this is currently done by hand, lines at bag-check often become agonisingly long.

Over the years, we've attempted to reduce our time waiting in the bag-check queues by taking just one bag with us to the parks. However, this still requires joining the line - invariably the slowest moving one, as I seem to have a knack for selecting this. Plus, I often ended up carrying mobile phones, trading pins and bottles of water for everyone.

Now the kids are old enough to take responsibilty for their own belongings, we decided to go completely bagless in the Disney parks on our last trip. It was a revelation. Not only were we waved straight through, but it was a pleasure not carrying so much around in the summer heat.

Despite not taking a bag, we still managed to carry everything we required. This included mobile phones, portable chargers, sunglasses, water, pins, money and credit cards.

Here's how we did it.

1. Lanyard with extra large holder

By far the best purchase we made prior to our trip were waterproof bags which consisted of lanyards with an extra large clear pouch attached. As they measure 17cm x 10cm, the holders proved big enough to hold a phone and credit card. Yet they are small enough not to be classed as bag. We used them every day during our trip, and had no issue using the no-bag line to enter the parks.

The pouches are waterproof, which means they're ideal for water rides. And we even used them for securing valuables when in the pool and water parks.

Plus, if you're planning to trade pins whilst in the parks, you can attach a few onto the lanyard.

2. Choose clothing with plenty of pockets

Pockets are key if you want to go bagless in the Disney parks.

Cargo shorts were often the clothing of choice for the males in the family. Thanks to the number of pockets provided, they were still able to store a variety of items. Mobile phones, portable chargers, ponchos, and a small wallet were amongst these. Sport shorts with zip pockets provided another handy way of securing valuables.

Skorts are great for us ladies. Not only are they lightweight and breathable, but many also have pockets attached.

3. Wear caps, sunglasses and Disney ears

Instead of carrying head wear and sunglasses in bags, we wore as much as we could. Then secured everything in the seat storage pouches when on rides.

4. Carry bottled water

We often took a bottle of water each to the parks, and were absolutely fine holding this as we passed through the no-bags line at the park entrance.

There are plenty of self-service water stations dotted around the parks if you would prefer not to carry a bottle. Or simply ask at any of the counter service restaurants for free iced water.

5. Apply high factor sunscreen before you leave for the parks

Instead of taking a bottle of sun screen with us, we applied a high factor before we left for the parks.

During the summer, we avoid the full glare of the sun as much as possible by finding shade and enjoying indoor attractions, so this worked fine for us.

6. Purchase pocket sized items

If you'd prefer to take an emergency supply of sun screen to the parks, there are small bottles and even sticks available. These should be enough to keep you topped up throughout the day.

The same goes for ponchos. The reusable Disney issued ones are quite bulky, so we always buy the disposable variety which come in a much smaller packet (still check the packet size as these can differ). These are therefore less cumbersome to cart around in pockets. Plus, as they're much thinner, we found them relatively easy to fold up so we could reuse them if necessary.

7. Purchase Memory Maker

As many guests use their mobile phones to take photographs whilst in the parks, these can easily be stored in a pocket or in one of the lanyards I've mentioned above.

However, if you'd like some better quality snaps to capture those family moments, consider purchasing Memory Maker.

There are plenty of Disney photographers dotted around the parks, so there's no need lug your own large camera around with you.

8. Keep everything loose in the bottom of your push chair/stroller

As our kids are well past the stage of needing all the paraphernalia that goes with having small children, we haven't tested this one out for ourselves. However, there are reports of guests using the no-bags line even with a push chair/stroller, as long as all items are kept loose in the storage area underneath. This way security can quickly ascertain there are no prohibited items entering the park.

If you've had success (or not) with this, I'd love to hear about your experience.

So, it may require some forward planning, and purchasing the correct items before your trip to Walt Disney World, but it's still relatively easy to go bagless in the Disney parks.

We found it so much more liberating. It was great being fast tracked through security, entering the park ahead of the huge crowds waiting in the bag-check line. There was no heavy bag to carry around the parks, and we will certainly be touring this way in the future.

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